Hello there! It has been awhile since I have written a blog post. I hope you guys enjoy this one! I definitely want to get back into blogging as I enjoy it very much. Let me know in the comment section what you'd like to see next!
Today, we will make a super easy paper flower center also known as a fluffy center, not sure where the name came from but that's what all the Paper Florists are calling it nowadays.
Let's get started!

You will need the following items to start with your fluffy center:
1) Raspberry Ice Cardstock 80 lb from CutCardStock
2) Surebonder Ultra Series Hot Glue Gun
3) Gorilla Hot Glue Sticks
4) Martha Stewart Fringe Scissors
(Left to Right) You will need one 8.5" x 11" piece of 80 lb cardstock paper. I am using the Raspberry Ice from CutCardStock. Proceed with cutting the piece of paper at every 1" inch. You will end up with 8 pieces of cardstock paper that's 1" x 11" in length.
(Left to Right) Start cutting each piece of paper using your fringe scissors. Make sure to leave some space at the bottom of the paper (see middle picture).
(Left to Right) You should have 8 strips of paper that are 1" by 11" in length. Now that you have all pieces of paper ready to go we will start gluing and rolling them like the picture above (see middle picture).
(Left to Right) Now that you have the first piece of paper rolled, you will continue rolling the other pieces of paper around the one you previously rolled (see first picture on the left). You will continue to add pieces of paper to the roll, all it needs is a little bit of glue, don't overdo it.
(Left to Right) Now that you have all pieces of paper glued together, you will grab the left and right side of the fluffy center and pull it away from you. This makes it so the center achieves that fluffy appearance. And now you are done! You can use this cute fluffy center with any of your small paper flowers!

Thank you for reading my blog post! Let me know in the comment section below what you guys would like to see me blog about next! : )
Happy Crafting!